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In the second of two parts, we take you on a whistlestop tour around the rich and varied diving regions of the islands of Tahiti.
Digital Publishing, 22 November 2022Well, no one can describe properly this age-old question in content marketing era. When you want to create magazine content regularly, quality vs quantity is the oldest battle that has been making people confuse or clueless whenever they are trying to balance between them.
Digital Publishing, 1 February 2019Magazine sales are dropping in the US. That's according to a study from Statista, who found that (despite a growing number of readers) retail sales of magazines dropped by a staggering 28 million in America between 2014 and 2016. Clearly, despite a market that continues to propagate, it's becoming ever harder to successfully sell magazines.
Digital Publishing, 19 November 2018It's impossible to deny that we're in the digital age. Technology has changed the way we communicate with one another, find information, and experience the world. It makes sense that it's changed publishing, too. Print magazines can still be successful, but there are a lot of publishers who are now turning to the advantages of digital publishing instead.
Digital Publishing, 5 November 2018One of the perks of working in the digital publishing industry is that we get to hear a lot of stories from our clients. We get to hear our clients' vision, journey, struggles, and missions for their publication.
Digital Publishing, 3 October 2018Society has embraced technology. In a world where we have 24-hour access to information, you can bet publishing has changed to meet those demands. This digital publishing report will tell you what to expect now and in the future. Publishers can no longer sit on the sidelines doing things the way they used to.
Digital Publishing, 28 September 2018This issue demonstrates all the cool features of TypeLoft which is the MagLoft editor.
A collection of help articles on how advertising works with Universal App.
A collection of help articles on how to update the settings on your Universal App.
A collection of help articles on how to use the Universal App Admin Dashboard
A collection of help articles on how to create content with Universal App.
A collection of help articles on how to customise branding for your Universal App.
A collection of help articles on how to set up offers for your Universal App.
A collection of help articles on how to use the Tools section of your Universal App.
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In the second of two parts, we take you on a whistlestop tour around the rich and varied diving regions of the islands of Tahiti.
Well, no one can describe properly this age-old question in content marketing era. When you want to create magazine content regularly, quality vs quantity is the oldest battle that has been making people confuse or clueless whenever they are trying to balance between them.
Magazine sales are dropping in the US. That's according to a study from Statista, who found that (despite a growing number of readers) retail sales of magazines dropped by a staggering 28 million in America between 2014 and 2016. Clearly, despite a market that continues to propagate, it's becoming ever harder to successfully sell magazines.
It's impossible to deny that we're in the digital age. Technology has changed the way we communicate with one another, find information, and experience the world. It makes sense that it's changed publishing, too. Print magazines can still be successful, but there are a lot of publishers who are now turning to the advantages of digital publishing instead.
One of the perks of working in the digital publishing industry is that we get to hear a lot of stories from our clients. We get to hear our clients' vision, journey, struggles, and missions for their publication.
Society has embraced technology. In a world where we have 24-hour access to information, you can bet publishing has changed to meet those demands. This digital publishing report will tell you what to expect now and in the future. Publishers can no longer sit on the sidelines doing things the way they used to.
Digital publishing will be an 8 billion dollar industry by 2020. This means that making your content stand out will become even harder. But to be able to keep up, it's important to improve your content on a regular basis. Lucky for you, we've compiled a list of ways to improve the quality of your digital publishing.
Long gone are the days when writing a book involved years of agonizing over rejections from agents and publishers. Thanks to modern technology anybody can publish their book - for free! eBooks account for about a quarter of all book sales worldwide.
Publishing courses online is now more accessible than ever. In past years, to publish a book, you had to go jump through all the hoops of traditional publishing. With digital publishing, the power is in your hands. The market is growing - now is the time to jump in. The catch?
So you'd like to publish your novel. Great! You could go the indie route, but if you'd like to go traditional you'll most likely need publishing agents. Publishing agents know the ins and outs of the publishing world. They have contacts you can only dream of, and they know who is looking for what.
Writer's block. One of the most frustrating cases that, not only stops you from writing but also pauses your mind and you feel like you can't come up with any good feature story ideas. It happens. Editors and writers at the most well-known publications, sometimes just don't have good ideas for articles.
Magazine layout is one of the things that sets a magazine apart from other publications. Magazines are meant to be read, but they're also a visual experience. You might not notice all of the work that goes into creating a magazine layout that looks fantastic, but you definitely notice if it's been done poorly.
Artists on Art Magazine is a bi-monthly digital magazine for artists in all media who are interested in learning about craft and current art culture. Artists on Art Magazine has a mission to connect you to the philosophies and techniques of today's best artists.
For years, we have been engaged in the print vs digital debate. The pendulum swings back and forth as we pit the two forms of publication against one another in a never-ending question of "which is better?" But what if we told you these two methods weren't enemies, but allies?
Change Creator Magazine is not just another business magazine app. With a mission to change destructive business practices and empower the change generation, Change Creator Magazine has built a media network and no-fluff magazine that provides proven strategies, tactics and solutions for building and growing a business that drives social profit and financial profit.
Are you looking for ways to create digital content? With so much competition in the digital world, it can be difficult for people to get their voices heard. The key is to create interesting and dynamic content that your viewers genuinely want to see.