Spring has finally sprung. So, this edition of In Touch is rightly full of colour as we look towards warmer months.

It has been a long winter for many of us. But at last, we can say with a degree of confidence, that the worst of the coronavirus pandemic is behind us.

While we should all remain cautious, our newly returned freedoms will undoubtedly be more appreciated than ever before.

In this edition, we catch up with a Plymouth legend, artist Brian Pollard, who’s iconic paintings of Plymouth’s waterfront, have helped put our city firmly on the tourist trail. In our Plymspirational interview, he recalls his years painting and the fascinating history of our ocean city.

If your New Year’s resolution to get fit and healthy didn’t quite take off, then not to worry. We catch up with a fitness service that is now permanently based at the Beacon in North Prospect. C&J Fitness have made some transformational changes to their clients’ health and fitness.

We delve into the work PCH did to prepare for Storm Eunice, and how our teams acted fast, to keep residents safe and repair the damage.

We have more from the Skills Launchpad, an innovative careers service that we featured in our last edition. This time, you can learn all about the exciting opportunities available to work in healthcare.

We are aware of the impact of the rising cost of living. And we have advice on how to contact us if you’re struggling with bills or rent.

We’re always here to talk.

And last but by no means least, we catch up with a superstar PCH resident who has been named as one of Plymouth’s most inspiring women.


Nick Lewis, Chair of the Board