

Publisher & Managing Editor
Douglas Kosarek a.k.a. Captain Kraven MoreGrog

Creative Director/ Layout & Design
Erin "Mistress Emerald" Rado Martin Gligorovski - Layout & Design Tanmoy Mitra - Layout & Design

Contributing Writers
Janette Arencibia
Erin "Mistress Emerald" Rado
Dan Hart a.k.a. Dungeon Dan Blackhart
Bill Sudbery a.k.a. The Pirate William Morgan Douglas Kosarek a.k.a. Captain Kraven MoreGrog Joseph Fotinos a.k.a. Quartermaster Griff James Outman a.k.a."the RUM Doctor" Christina Carr a.k.a. Charity Ann Flint
Scott Erkelens a.k.a. Captain Skar
Janet Wright a.k.a. "Cook"
Robb Zerr

Contributing Photographers
Gary LeVeille - Florida Souix Grimm - Louisiana Glenn Nelson - California Christopher Howard - Texas Paul A. Siegmund - Michigan

To Advertise
contact Douglas Kosarek at 386-308-8715
You may submit your print ready ad in the appropriate size and resolution (see ad guide at

If you wish for us to design your ad, Ad design is available for flat fee of $65 for any size.

Ā© 2020
Image Policy
All images used are assumed to be promotional/marketing photos made available to the press for the purpose of describing and reviewing faires & festivals. If any party feels that intellectual property rights issues exist or that images are being used without permission, please contact us and we will address the concern immediately.

Charitable Promotion Policy

Pirate Nation Magazine is proud to donate Advertising Promotional Space to support the efforts of the Pirate Community when they are raising money for a registered Charity. If the donation would be tax deductible, we would request a tax receipt for the contribution. The organization does NOT have to be a 50l{c)3 or hold tax exempt status to qualify. However, the name of the organization must come up as a registered charity in their state when we search the responsible department in that state. The exception would be when money is being raised for an individual DIRECTLY and there is NO ADMINISTRATIVE or FUND RAISING FEE and there is a trust account in place at a banking institution or payment processor {like PayPal or GoFundMe) in the name of that individual.

We will publicize and promote those efforts. We cannot verify, validate or endorse the cause ... and we encourage our readers to check the financial reporting that organizations file with the state ( or proposed budgets for new organizations) to find out how much money is going to the cause vs. overhead and expenses.



It is the policy of Pirate Nation Magazine to solicit and/or accept samples provided by 3rd parties for the purposes of review and education on this website. While not all products discussed on this site have been provided by 3rd parties, readers of Pirate Nation Magazine should assume - unless it is declared otherwise - that any product that is reviewed on this site has been provided by a 3rd party. These 3rd parties may or may not be agents of the producers of said products, and are required by Federal Trade Commission guidelines to declare and disclose that they have provided this site with samples. Provision of samples does not constitute a purchased endorsement of any product by this site. All reviews - positive or negative - are the opinion of the author of the review. Positive reviews or mentions are not provided on any quid pro quo basis.

On The Cover: A Yellow Banner Quarantine Edition
Pirate Wedding Photo Winners
Edgar and Frances Rios Barragan

Photographer : Tim Woodfield

Pirate Garb by The Big Hat Pirates