Colonial Secretary’s Office, Melbourne, 6th December, 1853.

HIS Excellency the Lieutenant Governor: directs it to be notified, for the information of Benches of Magistrates and all others whom it may concern, that their Honors the Judges have appointed the Criminal Sessions and General Gaol Delivery of the Supreme Court of the Colony of Victoria to be holden at the Court House, La Trobe-street, in the city of Melbourne,, for the year 1854, on the days following:

Wednesday, the 15th February.

Wednesday, the 15th March.

Wednesday, the 19th April.

Tuesday, the 16th May.

Thursday, the 15th June.

Monday, the 17th July.

Tuesday, the 15th August.

Friday, the 15th September.

Monday, the 16th October.

Wednesday, the 15th November.

Friday, the 15th December.

And that Circuit Courts have also, by His Excellency’s Proclamations of the 11th and 12th days of October, 1852, been appointed to be holden, for the year 1854, at the places and times following:

GEELONG.—Wednesday, 1st February.

Wednesday, 26tb April.

Wednesday, 26tb July.

Thursday, 26th October.

CABTLEMAINE.—Thursday, 9tb February.

Monday, 10th April.

Friday, 9th June.

Wednesday, 9th August.

Monday, 9th October.

Saturday, 9th December.

PORTLAND.-—Thursday, 20th April.

Wednesday, 1st November.

By His Excellency’s Command,