
The CE Program for underwriting professionals was launched in 2021. The purposes of the CE program are to:

1. Promote the importance of underwriting professionalism through continuing education.

2. Maintain value of the FALU designation by providing an opportunity for a re-certification of the FALU designation.

3. Recognize continuing education for non-FALU underwriters.

There was significant participation/momentum in the inaugural certification year. Here are the program’s statistics:

• 689 total users who logged credits

• 504 total awarded certifications

◦ 321 Certified Professional Underwriters

◦ 183 Certified FALUs

• Top category for credits: Virtual training

Certifications awarded are good through the end of 2023. Momentum continued into April 2022 when participants were able to begin logging in their credits for the next 2-year period of certification January 2024 – December of 2025. Since April of 2022:

• 696 total users have logged credits

• 56 total awarded certifications

◦ 22 Certified Professional Underwriters

◦ 34 Certified FALUs

• Top category for credits: Virtual training – webinar or live streaming event (50 minutes or more).

Underwriting professionals have until January of 2024 to log credits and become certified. A total of 50 credits are necessary to become certified, and the good news is training that you participated in between January 2022 and December 2023 will qualify (a whole 2 years)!

Log your credits today by following three simple steps:

1. Go to the website and click on My Account.
