Ordinary People extroardinary impact

WORDS David Trim


I’m in a warehouse on a back section of Omahu Rd in Hastings, kicking a corner stud of its newly metalframed mezzanine floor.

“She’s gonna be a sturdy one and it’s sure going up quick,” I comment to the operations manager. My confidence is based on the fact the structures seem pretty over the top for what I was expecting.

“Yep,” he says, “we don’t do things by halves around here. And I’m off to Japan in a few weeks to talk to 600 medical practitioners, so there’s no time for mucking around.”

NOW he’s got my attention. Who builds an engineering structure in a warehouse on one day and the next is the guest speaker at a medical conference?

That question took two hours to answer and took me on a journey I did not expect.

Andy Lazootin moved to Hawke’s Bay from Adelaide, Australia, a couple of years ago. With a successful business model operating on the other side of the Tasman, Andy and his son thought they would duplicate the concept on this side. They visited New Zealand twice. Both times it was raining in Auckland. Finding Hawke’s Bay more to their liking, they packed their bags and moved here.


T–B: Top photo (caption required); Chris Shade and Dr Keiko at the Reno Biogenesis conference with Andy; Third photo (caption required)

The conference, I discover, is about bioregenesis. Andy will be addressing doctors and medical practitioners who are awaiting knowledge and training on peptides and stem cell development. Google tells me that bioregenesis is the production of living organisms from other living organisms.

Peptides and stem cell development aren’t in my everyday vocabulary, so I asked Andy for a clearer picture.

“Stem cell development largely refers to the body’s building blocks,” Andy explains, “starting with a living stem call, which can navigate to any organ and rebuild damaged cells. They’re normally taken from umbilical cords or, more recently, organs from sheep and rabbits, which have been cultured in a sterile environment to prevent contamination. They are then IV injected into specific body parts such as joints etc.

“A peptide,” he continued, “is a compound consisting of two or more amino acids linked in a chain. They can come from plants or animals and are used as an easy way to create an absorbable product, like amino acid.

“Sometimes stem cells and peptide treatments work in tandem; other times they are used individually.

“As none of us are the same, there’s no protocol for cancer treatment. How the cancer has occurred is what determines the course of action needed to regain control.”

Now I’m very curious to know what this ‘ordinary warehouse manager’ did prior to coming here.

The seed for his progression into natural health came from one of his sons having conjunctivitis as a baby. Several unsuccessful trips to the family GP proved the medicine was not working. A naturopath friend suggested he try Golden Seal Tea. One day later his son’s eyes cleared. At the time, Andy was working in hydraulic and fluid engineering, after doing his plumber’s apprenticeship.


Andy with the tour riders in Wellington for the final day raising money for child cancer; In Japan with Dr Keiko and others for a medical conference


Top photo; Second photo; Third photo (captions required)

The catapult into the world of medicine came through a mix of midlife crises and a broken marriage. Andy threw away his engineering boilersuit and went to study at the University of New England, Armidale, NSW. Four years later, he emerged with an unprecedented fourteen diplomas in a variety of medical disciplines.

The connection to peptides and stem cells came next after attending a conference on natural medicine in Switzerland. At the time Andy was rearing limousine cattle. These cattle breeds are known for their very lean meat and their ability to build muscle fibre – and lots of it.

He made the connection between peptide research and that into the specific gene that builds muscle, and which naturally occurs abundantly in cattle. From there he never looked back. His research in biological therapies is now linked to anti-ageing processes and medical machinery, deuterium-depleted water machines and the use of stem cells and peptides around the world. Some of these new machines are utilising advanced research based on Tesla and Rife technology, combined with cutting-edge electronic engineering wizardry.

All this must lead somewhere, so next I question Andy about how this can apply to treating patients.

Insulin-dependent diabetics, autism, pregnancy, cancer … the stories appear endless of the people Andy has successfully treated with these conditions. Once you understand the methodology, it all makes sense. While autism and cancer are the fields Andy gains most excitement from, he has also had a 100% success rate in treating conception difficulty.

“ I didn’t mean to be an expert in this area, but it developed that way – and it just so happens to be very successful. Failure to conceive has a lot to do with other factors, rather than a faulty childbearing system,he comments.After 20 years, I am happy to have a reduced patient load; it allows me time to focus on key areas like autism. 


He is hoping to bring a machine to Hawke’s Bay, called the RASHA. After reading the description of what this machine does, I am no further advanced in my understanding. It’s actually a Scalar-Plasma-Crystalline Sound Harmoniser, a highly advanced machine which is extremely effective in many conditions, the best being autism. This technology has been developed from nowreleased classified information from the US government. “I would like Hawke’s Bay to be the centre for advanced research on autism and the RASHA is key to this,” Andy says.

Andy’s preference is for an integrated medical approach, working with conventional doctors rather than a ‘them and us’ one.

“Take rheumatoid arthritis for example. My mother came to me after trying everything else. She was going through a hard time; Dad had died and all her children had left home. She started having aching pains and was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis. I sorted a protocol for her and months later we went to her doctor. A glowing report from him was somewhat disrupted when he found out that Mum wasn’t using the prescribed medicine, but instead was following my regime.”

In February of this year, Andy visited Guimaras Island, Philippines, for the annual GC Rivera Foundation Surgical-Medical-Integrative Medical Mission. Over the week-long volunteer medical mission, he took the lead role for a large team of doctors and medical experts and attended to approximately 600 Pilipino, mostly children, working with conditions from coughs and flu to cancer and autism.

These days Andy assists in his son’s Hastings-based business, manufacturing and online sales. The staff benefit from having the medical guru on site and any illnesses staff may have are treated as part of the benefits of working there.

While Andy is very passionate about natural therapies and will continue to investigate and share his knowledge with world authorities on the topic, using state of the art technologies, he has no desire to set up a full practice here. He says, “After 20 years, I’ve just had enough. While the successes are very uplifting, it is also deflating to see past patients that have had success from their illnesses, like cancer, revert back to the bad habits and lifestyle that potentially caused the illness in the first place. Once you have had cancer, you have it from then on, and you need to learn to live with cancer … you are never fully cured from it.”


He’s humble about his achievements, and although there have been multiple accolades, this has not been his focus. “I am not a doctor and don’t wish to be referred to as one, I just enjoy sharing my knowledge with individuals or in conference settings and working with open-minded medical practitioners.”

So for now, a select international cluster of clients, along with international speaking engagements, keeps Andy drawn in the natural therapy world. Meanwhile, there’s a factory to expand, despatch orders to get out and a vigorous expansion plan to get on with.

Which all goes to prove that though the person standing beside you, on a bus, in a mall or at the workplace, may look unassuming, he or she may have incredible stories to tell and may even be a gamechanger in this world.