
Every year PCH spends over £200,000 on clearing up after selfish fly-tippers. Plymouth City Council too, dedicates vast resources to cleaning up rubbish that has been dumped on their land or in public.

We want to encourage our residents to be proactive and report fly-tipping whenever they see it. This applies to all our properties but there are particular problem spots when it comes to fly-tipping, and we want to see those doing it punished.

Rogue traders and lazy members of the public have continued to dump their rubbish in your community.

Vauxhall street, Vauxhall Court, Buckwell street, and Woolster Court in the Barbican area have been particularly frequent spots.

We think it’s time we let the fly-tippers know: enough is enough!

We encourage the PCH community to keep eyes peeled and always report fly-tipping as soon as it’s been spotted.

Residents can play an active role by being vigilant and letting us know soon as they see it. Writing down the registration plate number of a vehicle committing the act, also, can allow the council to pursue offenders and issue them with hefty fines in court.

Rubbish dumped in your area can be a serious health hazard. It can be unhygienic or even be a fire hazard.

Angie Irving, Housing Officer in the Barbican area, said: “Fly-tipping is more than just annoying, it can pose a health risk and ruin the environment for everyone.

“We really want to encourage the community to work together on preventing the rubbish from being dumped. We are working with the city council who also want the message to be loud and clear, there is zero tolerance for anyone dumping rubbish, and you could risk a hefty fine.”

She added: “If the community can be on the lookout, I’m confident we can stop any more fly-tipping in the Barbican area.”

If you see anyone fly-tipping remember to report it by calling us on: 0808 230 6500.