Before you drive that new car off the lot, take a minute to think about the responsibilities that come with it. If something were to prevent you from working, how would you cover the expenses associated with owning a vehicle. American Airlines Federal Credit Union offers value-added services designed to help protect you, your car and your loan.
Protect yourself and your family
with Credit Life and Disability Insurance*.
You are your most valuable asset, and if a debilitating or life-threatening event sidelines you from working, Credit Life and Credit Disability (CLCD) Insurance may help free you and your family from financial burden.
Protect your vehicle
with extended warranty** repair coverage on new and eligible pre-owned vehicles.
Prepare for the day after your car’s manufacturer warranty expires with a Vehicle Service Agreement (VSA). This extended coverage for auto repair includes things like towing, car rental and roadside assistance.
Remember that coverage is crucial, especially for a pre-owned vehicle, as it covers anything mechanically or electrically related. There are different packages and terms that can be tailored to a member’s needs.
This service can be added at any time, even if your vehicle is financed elsewhere.
Protect your loan
with Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) † .
GAP offers peace of mind should you ever become upside down on your loan. If your car is deemed a total loss, for example, and insurance only pays you $10,000, but you still owe $15,000 on the loan, GAP may reduce or eliminate the difference.
The Credit Union can also loan members up to 125% of the loan-to-value on the vehicle to ensure those products are easily funded.
* Your purchase of MEMBER’S CHOICE® Credit Life and Credit Disability Insurance, underwritten by CMFG Life Insurance Company is optional and will not affect your application for credit or the terms of any credit agreement required to obtain a loan.
Certain eligibility requirements, conditions, and exclusions may apply. Please contact your loan representative, or refer to the Group Policy for a full explanation of the terms. ** Mechanical breakdown insurance is available in Alaska, Maine, Massachusetts, Oregon and California. † Your purchase of MEMBER’S CHOICE™ Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP) is optional and will not affect your application for credit or the terms of any credit agreement you have with Us. Certain eligibility requirements, conditions, and exclusions may apply. You will receive the contract before you are required to pay for GAP. You should carefully read the contract for a full explanation of the terms. If you choose GAP, adding the GAP fee to your loan amount will increase the cost of GAP. You may cancel GAP at any time. If you cancel GAP within 90 days you will receive a full refund of any fee paid.
CDCL, GAP-2982358.1-0320-0422