With the arrival of the new year, many of us are saying good riddance to 2020. I believe we all have high hopes and expectations for 2021, so perhaps our resolutions for this year have a different meaning or a greater sense of urgency than in years past.
For many, 2020 dealt unimaginable personal and financial setbacks. For others, it meant putting dreams on hold — no big family gatherings, no bucket-list vacation.
In my nearly 20 years of working for American Airlines Federal Credit Union, I’ve repeatedly witnessed the resilience of our members when faced with challenges. That fortitude assures me that this time will be no different — you’ll come back stronger than ever. And all of us here at the Credit Union remain committed to you, to stand by your side as you launch your next chapter.
But beyond putting 2020 in the rearview mirror, 2021 is also special year for the Credit Union. In May, we’ll celebrate our 85th anniversary. When our founders first gathered in 1936, the goal of this fledgling financial institution was clear: Caring for our members. And despite more than eight decades of change, both good and otherwise, that mission has remained consistent.
That also includes keeping our members informed, so you’ll find plenty of helpful information in this online edition of ™, including focusing on goals for the new year (Page 6); regaining a work-life balance (Page 10); growing professionally, financially and spiritually in 2021 (Page 12); getting back to basics with life skills (Page 16), avoiding peer-to-peer fraud (Page 48) and much more.
I think our best days are ahead of us and no matter what 2021 may bring, we’re stronger and better off facing it together.
All the best,
Gail Enda President & CEO