Tech Trends & Books.

NFTs? Artificial Intelligence? You might be thinking, what does that have to do with the world of publishing. Well, a lot lately.
"Love it or hate it, it didn’t take long for NFTs to make their way into publishing. The funny monkeys herald the new frontier: NFT eBooks. This new market provides exciting creative and financial opportunities for authors, while readers have a new way to read and get exclusive material found nowhere else."
Be sure to check out Wyatt Bandt’s interview on page 14 where he sat down with a few authors who have branched out and begun selling their books as NFTs to get insights about their experience diving into NFT eBooks and what prospecting authors may want to know about them.
Wyatt also got the opportunity to chat with Sudowrite, an AI writing tool, to talk about the rise of AI tools in publishing -a creative augmentation tool that can help writers with the creative process.
In this issue we have interviews with Kelly Sullivan Yonce author of Bayou Liberty, Klecko the author of 3 a.m. Austin Texas, Sophie Burrows and her graphic novel Crushing, Anne Ierardi author of Coming Alive, Diane Schellhaas Windsor publisher at Motina Books, and more.
Enjoy the issue!